Saturday, December 31, 2005

the eleusian mysteries: encounters with the spirit and the gaian mind shift

*well with monies transfered to a secure swiss bank account*

*cheap flights booked to and from switzerland*

*and finally getting some mileage out of my hostel international card*

i am off

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

"that banana was going way too fast for 8:30 and bi-polar" OR what is an art car?

Here are just a few photos of some of the traffic hazards you will encounter at what becomes one of the largest cities in Nevada over the festival week. It is important to keep your wits about you as unlike a local saturday night bender in your home town, if you see a couch heading towards from down the road it most likely is.

Photos by Nicole

Some more madness from Black Rock City

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Greeting from the city where the term "smog" was coined.

A decidedly silly silly season to all out there in the multiverse and indeed the omniverse (that is of course based on the somewhat spurious notion that they have seasons in the multi- and omnivers(i), and that in fact that there is a "they" there to speak of). Bottom line though (unless looking at it for underneath) is have a raging time.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Playa Jaws

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Trouble with the auto on Highway 1