Wednesday, June 28, 2006

random entry from soulclipse 2006

comrades in the consciouness revolution.

this is an image from soulclipse 2006 in turkey. it is of me and this cool guy from russia named zara who despite the language barrier made for inspiring interactions. it was good to get a pespective on what is happening in regards to consciousness and the psytrance scene in russia.

check out his website here:

unless you can read russian though you might want to visit babelfish first to entry the url for translation.

more photos of soulclipse festival to come at some point.

just a thought

language is an ever present filter on identity and world. it is through language that we make sense of our environment and indeed our very ourness. it is such an inherent part of of sensiblilty system, of mundane and fundamental cognition that it is almost always completely invisible to us. our internal monologue often operating on multiple levels simultaneously goes by unnoticed by itself for the most part. so what happens when we take away our decoding system - take away the virus called language - is there any me left to even be capable of having a thought? and how would i know, even if i had one, if it is not catagorized and inventoried by the frontlines of the consciousness field by my verbalizing it?

well, at first this seems to be a rather challenging and disconcerting existentialist laneway to find oneself wandering down, but then you might intuite that no, there is still someone there, for there have been times when music has allowed the mundane consciousness to transcend language and indeed transcend itself. you recall this happening, yet to make it present in this moment, the raw moment of experience is once again filtered through language as you reconstruct the narrative, interpret, and frame for recollection for that other, even if that other happens to be yourself. i imagine too that in the deeper moments of meditation a similar transcendence of the self also occurs as our language matrix dissolves and we exist beyond its limitations. the question that is suggested then, is who is having these experiences? or rather who is sharing in the being of these experiences? in the transcendental limitless moments in movements of pure music (from bach to shpongle take your pick) in which time and space are rendered to the abyss by the ever present now, language and local awareness couched for the meanwhile, which self is experiencing the experience? are we perhaps knocking on the door of the *Logos? are "(we) peeking up the skirt of the ineffable..."* do we really want our knock to be answered? to find out who is there?

  • Logos: 'A Greek term meaning "word." To the Gnostics, this was the terms for deity manifest in the universe. The creative principle and underlying law of the universe. Creator of the visible world who existed before the creation of the universe. Life and light of the world and initiator of all life, movement, evolution, and rhythm."

    Definition taken from, The Tree of Life, by Israel Regardie.

  • * Vigorito, Tony. Just A Couple of Days

    Do yourself a favour and buy this book. It is a rollicking display of cerebal and verbal joviality on the play-school monkey bars. It is the most fun I have had reading since Dr Seuss let the cat eat green eggs and ham and I have not even finished it yet. Although I am on the last 100 page dash to oblivion, or salvation or home, this will probably stand as my selection for most out-standing work of out-standing fiction. More to come on the subject in just a couple of days.

Wednesday, June 07, 2006


what does it mean to be life? no, not to have a life in the sense of having multi-faceted social existence as in the case of having a work life, family life or social / party life, but life as in the grand unifying principle that runs beneath the All; the simplest principle; the ever changing constance - the running of the sacred code known by the letters g-a-t-t-a-c-a.

despite our involvement with our ego selves and the hang ups of everyday life we are from some perspectives arbitrary to a grander process that is under way. this is a process that began with the very first galactic burblings of life, the first appearance of the genetic code. since then there has been a steady march in which the theme and variety of life is constantly expanding, growing and mutating. it started with a simple self preservation program and here we find ourselves today, still a part of the process yet often quite (if not totally) oblivious to it.

this is not to undermine what we have achieved as human beings, not the least of which is our ability to cognate, generate ideas and the ability to bring these ideas into existence. however, that is not to say that these processes or ones similar to these are not being executed by other variations of life, it is just that from our perspective we tend not to recognise them, we are after all an egotistical species which my be our blessing and yet our ultimate down fall.

i write this entry not to espouse the dire warnings of our imminent doom nor to wax lyrical about some utopian ideal for the future, but merely to ask that we put aside our fragile pride for a minute - a pride which so often seems to be challenge by the mere existence of something that we perceive as other - and to think what it might mean to be life; just like all other examples of life that we can think of and all those that we can not. what does it mean for life to continue on after we are gone? (we the individual and also maybe one day the species).