Saturday, February 12, 2005

Something in the meantime

I have been scolded for not posting more often, which is something that I am quite conscious of, and while I will attempt to hide behind excuses, like my friends have had me on such a tight schedule of sight seeing and family traditions to experience, that I have not had any breathing space to sit down and write, the truth is I should perhaps strive harder for that breathing space. I blame the humidity!

Singapore is an intriguing place, which I am still formulating an impression of. The thing that surprises me the most is the number of ex-pats here, which makes for a much more multi-cultural Singapore than I had expected.

There is much more to write, but I now to get back to my scheduled program for the day - heading out on the MRT to Bugis to meet a friend from Melbourne. He is going to take me to check out a Buddhist temple out there. Out there... that makes it sound quite far - but nothing in Singapore is really "far".


At 1:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Far: A word that describes a specific length or distance.

A word that once transfixed into the human psyche can either 'have' them believe it is a distance to great to cover OR it instills them with a notion that nothing is impossible and that no distance is to great or... to far!

My point you ask? Well... for those who take TVs for granted... then the TV is to 'far' to walk to to change the channel, because the remote control is missing!!!!

Don't forget to stop and smell the Roses dude. Happy Journeys!

At 1:33 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Far: A word that describes a specific length or distance.

A word that once transfixed into the human psyche can either 'have' them believe it is a distance to great to cover OR it instills them with a notion that nothing is impossible and that no distance is to great or... to far!

My point you ask? Well... for those who take TVs for granted... then the TV is to 'far' to walk to to change the channel, because the remote control is missing!!!!

Don't forget to stop and smell the Roses dude. Happy Journeys!

At 1:35 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oooops! My bad?


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