Friday, March 25, 2005

Is that frigging snow...!?!

Caught the red eye coach from Tokyo to Kyoto last night. As the sun began to break through in the morning, looking out of the window on the bus I thought that I saw frost some of the cars, although it didn't quite look like the frost that I knew from back in South Africa. I did get an incling that it might have been snow but that was something I was not prepared for thus was something I chose not to believe. But then while I was walking around the city waiting for things to start opening up, like getting slapped by a gaint Buddha palm in the head, it began to snow. Sure it melted when it hit the ground, but you are talking about someone who has bnever seen snow in the process of falling, and whats more, someone who has basking in 30C plus degrees less than 2 weeks ago.

Having said that it was quite amazing to see snow falling - something that was unexpected, but adds a new perspective on things.


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