Monday, August 15, 2005

Visitations from the past

Hmmm... when travlling you sometimes have those moments when you unexpectedly meet someone from your previous life. This often happens at the strangest of times in the strangest of places, like walking down a small alley in Bangkok two days before Songkran, or the kitchen at the hostel you are staying at in a small town in Southern Bohemia. You are just minding your own business when all of a sudden in walks someone one who used to be your student, someone who had just graduated at the end of last for whom the expereince of bumping into you is equally strange - this meeting of someone out of the once familiar and mundane context. Things can become stranger when they not only bring with them stories about the people and places back home, but also a DVD of the work that they had worked on and which I had become quite familiar with during the production process. What is even stranger is seeing the end product - the DVD which I had only seen begun now in its completed state - stranger still, the photos on the DVD of that one crazy and eventful night of the end of year screening. And then I have to ask, who decided on the photos, why so many of me? and why do I look so out of it? Hmmm .... ?


At 5:19 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

aaah, meta-zen, I see the fine art of rhetorical questions has not deserted you in your absence from our university.

At 4:03 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

photos of you? out of it? at a uni-realated function? i wonder.......xox


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